The Tangled Web
Welcome to a series of mad and semi coherent ramblings about technology, the web and the future in general. Made by an opinionated old tech fanatic with delusion of grandeur and some resemblance of humor.
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Phantom Credits: How Fake Carbon Offsets are Sabotaging the Sustainability Effort
sustainabilityThe fight against climate change demands urgent action. And carbon offsetting has emerged over time to become the go to strategy for most large organizations, allowing companies to invest in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere to compensate for their own emissions footprint. This is, on paper, a viable solution that allows us to quickly lower our emissions as well as providing well-needed investments in technologies and projects that benefit us all.
4 minutes
The Undead Internet: The Web of the Living Dead
aiwebThe internet, once a vibrant and dynamic space for human interaction and creativity, is undergoing a transformation. And since it's Halloween season it's all too fitting that it is a scary one as well.
6 minutes
Getting Things Done: Write Better Emails
the modern officefuture of workIn our fast-pace and digitally saturated world, email has become the de facto mode of communication. Both for our personal and professional life. It's a tool that, when used effectively, can be a powerful ally in communicating information and boosting productivity, helping us achieving goals and staying connected.
4 minutes